Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's been a while

I haven't really done too many charity related projects lately. While the economy in the hole it is, I don't have the time or the money right now to do anything. I have built a few rods though.

I also have a trash can ful of old fishing rods, whole and parts. I found a neat little one in there a month or so ago. It's a 3'6" casting/jigging rod. My guess is, it was used for fishing the smaller freshwater species; crappie, sunfish, bluegill... The cork grip was all but gone. Although it never had finish on it, the thread was still in "good" shape. It was still holding the guides on, anyway. The guides themselves were corroded, but not crushed, like I would have expected.

After removing all the old cork, thread, and guides, giving it a little spray paint, and some new guides...

While I was checking for proper spacing of the guides, I heard the sound of fiberglass straining. Unfortunately, this rod is destined to spend it's days as a display piece. I would be afraid to catch a good bass on it and have it snap.

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